Questions marked with a * are required
Please note: All board members are expected to believe in and support IAFFE’s mission. They should also have the time, skills and commitment to work with IAFFE and to help expand its outreach, stability, diversity, and advancement.  Also, the Nominating Committee seeks candidates that will help the Board become more demographically diverse in nationality/country of origin, ethnicity/race, gender, LGBTQ status, and age, and who possess valuable and diverse skills, experiences, and core competencies, such as mission-related scholarship, mission-related teaching, nonprofit finance/risk management, nonprofit governance, development/fundraising/philanthropy, organizational leadership, and strategic planning.

Thank you very much for your time and support. 

You must submit each nomination separately.
What position is this nomination for?
Has the nominee agreed to be nominated? You must have prior approval from the nominee prior to making the nomination.
Nominee's qualifications (see description at top of form)
Are you nominating yourself?
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